Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December Leaves

Leaves still litter the ground.
We've had frost in the morning, but where's the snow?
Hello, Mother Nature. I live in Canada. 
We apparently sleep in igloos, right?!
Not anymore.....


betty-NZ said...

I like your photo. Falling leaves are a fun scene but it means that winter is coming and I'm never prepared for it!

Rambling Woods said...

Oh now I miss the fall and its pretty colors....Michelle

Alexa T said...

Nice view of leaves in fall. December looks more and more like a long fall or early spring. A good day and week, too!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Well, winter isn't officially here until the 21st, so there is still hope. I'd find it hard to control mplain about a long fall, even though I know it's not a good sign.