Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Niagara Falls Gorge Sewer

For more 'Bodies of Water' photos, visit Written Inc


Alexia said...

That's a beautiful picture... is that really a sewer? Going straight into the river??

21 Wits said...

Very stunning capture, rich in colors, I adore it there! Always a fascinating visit.

Gilly said...

Great picture, lovely different greens. I hope sewer here means a sort of extra water or run-off and not what I think of as a sewer!

DougPhoto2009 said...

A unique view of Niagara Falls. Thank for sharing.

Bob Scotney said...

A Niagara view I've never seen. Where is this relative to the falls?

fredamans said...

@Bob Scotney;
If you are standing on the Canadian side looking at the gorge itself, these sewers or culverts, are directly left of the falls toward calmer water. I believe they are some kind of water return from the falls, but with the power generation down the water, it could be relative to it.

fredamans said...

And I should add they are on the US side.