Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Wordless Nature

You can see we have a lot of snow around.
It's too cold to melt with these frigid temperatures.

C'mon B.C. give us some of your weather!


NCSue said...

Thanks for sharing this at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/02/bathing-in-bubble.html

Rambling Woods said...

Yes..we all deserve to fly to somewhere warm by the ocean. Ahhh.... Spring will come..won't it?... Michelle

Laura said...

here too I don't know how many feet we have at his point but it's pretty deep!

Janice said...

I see a hand with a strong grip on a steering wheel probably because of all the white stuff!

HeartSong Normandie said...

Bonjour and what a beautiful page - saying hello via wordless wednesday and thanks for popping over to my blog too :)