Thursday, March 17, 2011

Alphabe Thursday: W Is For (Weeds)


Weed or flower in regeneration?

Soon we will see mass amounts of these everywhere.


Anonymous said...

How pretty!

Jackie said...

dandelions ! yay!

Susan Anderson said...

My husband plucks them like crazy.


Sue McPeak said...

One of my favorite Wild FLOWER Weeds to photograph both in yellow bloom and white bloom. To me they are Wonderful Weeds! Thanks for stopping by to see my Windmills at CITexas Gal.

Judie said...

Well, they could also be a vegetable! Have you ever eaten the greens??

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

a special kind of weeds, love these.

SquirrelQueen said...

Dandelions are so pretty, it's a shame they like to try and take over my yard every year. The battle will begin very soon.

Jenny said...

I love dandelions. I actually have a stamp set of them that I'm planning to make some cards with!

Thanks for a wonderful link Miss Freda.

I really like the sequence you captured here.


LR Photography said...

Very nice this one, complete!