Saturday, September 11, 2010

Round Robin Challenge: Fenced In

More RRC

We in at my Uncle Larry's for a BBQ and we were all fenced in, these are the youngin's, my son is in the blue with the hat, the other 2 boys, my nephews, and the oldest nephew's girlfriend.

The train with graffiti was behind a fence.

While Vince took Ewok out to pee, they were both fenced in.


Karen Funk Blocher said...

I like the one with Ewok. He looks so tiny behind that big fence! It seems as though fences are no deterrent at all to graffiti. I expect that fences just make the person feel brave and daring for overcoming that obstacle. That's my theory, anyway!

SquirrelQueen said...

Aw, Ewok looks so tiny next to Vince and the fence. It looks like everyone was having a great time.

Linda said...

Kind of nice to be fenced in with BBQ! I like the picture of little Ewok next to the tall fence.

Jama said...

I love the Ewok shot too.

Unknown said...

Ewok, now that is a cool name :, a nice collection of fences here.

Carly said...

Hi Freda :)

How cute is that pup? :) Pretty darn cute! Great ideas for "Fenced In." :)

-Carly :)