Thursday, July 29, 2010

Alphabe-Thursday: Rainbow Red

For more Alphabe-RED

RED streaks across the sky.
Some may say pink.
Pink is a derivative of RED.


Lola said...

Such a wonderful sky shot!Love the pink in it!

Have a lovely weekend,


PS Mine this week is HERE. Hope you can stop by!

Lindy said...

Really pretty!

Anonymous said...

What a amazing shot! It looks like it is exploding.

jen said...

That is really cool. Can't believe you captured it!

Christi S said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Teresa said...

Beautiful picture!

signed...bkm said...

Amazing picture..lovely Red post...bkm

Bonnie@Creative Decorating said...

Stopping by from Miss Jenny's party! Just beautiful!!

Cheryl D. said...

Pink, red, who cares! It's a beautiful picture!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Lovely! And the leaves of the tree look red...

Blessings & aloha!
still making my way through Alphabe-Thursday RED posts :o)

Jenny said...

What an amazing capture.

I love photos that look man-made even though they are straight nature shots!

It's really nice to see you linked. I hope you enjoy the challenge. I have an idea where you might go with "orange" for next weeks assignment but we'll see if I'm right!

Beautiful post.

Thank you for linking!
