Monday, December 14, 2009

Ellipsis Monday: Holiday Decorations

For more:

My HUGE two-foot tree!! ;-)

My favorite Angel ornament, with birthstone, from My Mommy.

Candycanes on the tree.

If you look close, you see me in the ball!!

Snowflake from a giftbag I have under the tree.

My cards are starting to creep across.


Carly said...

Hi :)

Awwww... it's just too cute! I have a tabletop tree as well. Hey, they need love too. :) Neat ornaments. :) Made me smile.


Anonymous said...

It's looking very festive!

Jama said...

The ornaments are so cute!

SquirrelQueen said...

I love your tree, the ornaments are so pretty. We have a table top tree this year too, they are just as pretty as the giant ones.

Maria's Space said...

I see you there!

Cute little tree. That angel is sweet. I have so many favorite ornaments for different reasons. Loads of color on that huge 2 footer.

Suzanne R said...

I love your decorations! They are so festive! Nice photos of them, too.

Lorri S said...

I usually have a tabletop tree decorated for Christmas, but decided I wasn't going to this year. I've wanted a big tree but our dog would be a nightmare!

Love looking at your pictures :)